Our goal in Expo Dubai is to introduce Iran's mineral capacities to the world

Behraman, the head of the Iranian Mining House, said that expos are the third largest event in the world after the World Cup and the Olympic Games, and said: Our goal in Dubai Expo is to introduce mining capacities to the world in a favorable way.
According to the market; Industry Group: Mohammadreza Behraman, in response to the question of the Bazar reporter about the purpose of Iran's presence in Dubai Expo 2020, stated: Iran Mining House is trying to benefit from smart technologies, realities and mineral capacities of the country. show in a favorable way.
He stated that the Iran Mining House in Expo Dubai will introduce the mineral potentials in the eastern border of the country with the aim of creating a popular economic infrastructure and carrying out strategic activities at the national and transnational levels in the field of managing the country's private sector. Undoubtedly, in this way, the cooperation of the executive bodies, including the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade and the Geological Organization of the country, is very important in providing timely information. Currently, world expo exhibitions have become one of the important tools for the economic prosperity of different countries of the world, and holding these exhibitions are very effective in increasing job creation, creating international relations and cultural exchange between nations, and attracting foreign investors. They are not new and their history goes back to the times when large markets were regularly formed in cities where important communication routes met and attracted people's attention and were the factor of progress and success of the residents of that area and the prosperity of trade with neighbors and others. return It was considered as visitors and the multitude of people who sometimes came from long distances to these markets and made economic exchange. In response to the question of the reporter of the market that why should we be present at the UAE Expo, Bahraman said: World exhibitions are new phenomena. They are not, and their history goes back to the times when large markets were regularly formed in cities where important communication routes met and attracted people's attention, and were considered to be the factors of progress and success of the residents of that area and the prosperity of trade with neighbors and other visitors. and the multitude of people who sometimes came from far distances to these markets and made economic exchange.
The head of Iran Mining House said: Gradually, the development and expansion of such markets in different countries created a completely beneficial atmosphere of mutual understanding and friendship between the people of different nations and often opposing cultures, and in this way, transactions and trade paved the way for exhibitions. Today's International, which plays an educational role and is one of the factors of spreading understanding in the world, opened.
Behraman pointed to the holding of the first international and public exhibition (Expo) in today's sense in 1851 in Hyde Park, London, the capital of England, and said: This exhibition was held at the Crystal Palace, under the title of the International Exhibition of Goods of the Nations of the World and More than 14,000 exhibitors from all over the world were present, and Iran was one of the participants in a space of 92 square meters and displayed examples of export goods, including handicrafts, carpets, dried fruits, and silk fabrics. .
The head of the Iran Mining House recalled: holding this exhibition was a great success for its organizers and left such an impact on the traditional exhibitions of America that one year the Americans also held their first international exhibition in 1852 in New York.
The world exhibition (expo) is a very important visa in the world arena
According to Behraman, world exhibitions reflect diverse human experiences, and the World Expo is a very important event in the world arena; They are a non-profit and local event to show the social, economic, cultural, and scientific achievements of countries and the development prospects of nations, because expo exhibitions have more of a demonstration aspect and this exhibition is different from commercial exhibitions that are often held. : These types of exhibitions generally have human, cultural and social aspects, but ultimately and due to its duration and the presence of most of the countries of the world and international organizations and institutions, including the United Nations subsidiary organizations, participants and visitors They also achieve economic goals.
More than 25 million people are expected to visit Expo Dubai
Behraman stated that holding an expo is subject to certain conditions and its conditions are formulated by the BIE (International Committee of Exhibitions), adding: Today, expos are the third most important event in the world after the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games, and the presence More than 192 countries and more than 25 million people are expected to visit Expo Dubai, in addition to the favorable condition of the 2014 square meters, the pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as its favorable location, including being next to the pavilions of countries such as France, Mexico, and Peru. It has provided a special for the fans from the Iranian booth.
The head of Iran's mining house said: This national project, which today is considered among the top eight pavilions among 198 countries in the world, is a source of pride for Islamic Iran, and the Vice President of Science and Technology of the Honorable President of the Islamic Republic of Iran/executor of Iran's HighTech Technology Department, Ministry of Industry , mining and trade (deputy of industries) / provision of capabilities in the industrial and production sector, Ministry of Guidance (Rodaki Foundation) / authentic Iranian music and rituals of Iranian peoples, Ministry of Economy and Finance (investment organization) / foreign investment attraction, Ministry of Heritage Cultural, tourism and handicrafts/ability


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