The opening of the second exclusive exhibition of Iran in Syria

According to Shata, Iran's second specialized exhibition in Syria was opened at the Damascus International Exhibition Center with the presence of the Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as the Minister of Economy of Syria and a number of businessmen and investors from the two countries.
Many businessmen present at the exhibition praised the capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in economic fields and evaluated it as a big step in the direction of promoting economic cooperation between the two countries.
In this exhibition, which is located in an area of ​​4,000 square meters, 164 companies from our country displayed their capabilities in various fields.
Seyyed Reza Fatemi Amin, the Minister of Security of our country, in a statement to reporters, while expressing his interest in reactivating the economic and industrial capacities of Syria and restoring the country's economy, announced his readiness for joint investment in Syria in order to provide for domestic consumption and export to the countries of the region. .
The head of the Chamber of Commerce of Syria and Iran also assessed the importance of holding this exhibition in the current difficult economic conditions of Syria, because it plays a significant role in improving the economic conditions of Syria and in confronting the oppressive sanctions, and also strengthens the relations between the two countries.
نویسنده : مدیریت | بازدید : 923 نفر
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